Understand Your Rhythm

Middle schoolers are encouraged to find their own rhythm through interdisciplinary expeditions guided by our community. Our middle school program embraces how adolescents learn best: through engaging and grappling with content that connects across disciplines.

Dive Into Your Learning

Through four 8-week expeditions that allow you to discover a range of related ideas and concepts.

Middle school scholars will grapple with questions, collaborate on projects, and create exhibitions of learning throughout their 8-week interdisciplinary expeditions of study. Each expedition will include field work, guest lecturers, and feedback and reflection loops. We believe true learning is a process, not an end game. One City uses the Expeditionary Learning framework to guide our expeditions, with a focus on character, high quality work, and mastery of knowledge and skills.

Our first sixth grade expedition will tackle the question, “How do stories explain the world around us and convey the values of a culture?” The founding sixth grade team of teachers is eagerly developing this expedition and adding subject-specific content and standards to give our scholars the resources to fully flesh out an answer.

Picture of a Family for Our 21st century equity agenda section

Own Your Experience

With multiple week-long workshops and a summer session where you will get a chance to explore various interests and passions.

Middle school scholars will have week-long workshops at the end of each of their four annual expeditions as well as opportunities to explore their interests and passions during our extended summer workshop. Future workshop topics will include student choice and voice. Options already created include career exploration, health, coding, culinary arts, hip-hop, music, theater, robotics, and tv/music production. We encourage our scholars to pursue their interests or to simply keep an open mind to opportunities such that they can begin to identify their individual interests.

Additionally, one day each week affords a change in routine by offering courses within Project Lead the Way, Leader in Me, and Reconstruction as well as extended activities, athletics, and service work.

Picture of a Family for Our 21st century equity agenda section

Embrace Your Community

Take advantage of the adults and peers in the community to push your learning forward.

One City Schools believes a 2-generation model is critical to student success. We work hand-in-hand with parents and the broader community to ensure our students have the fundamental capacity to succeed in school and life from cradle to career, and become the innovators and effective leaders we will need them to be in the future. Through the Families and School Together, Leader in Me, and school-sponsored events, One City provides numerous opportunities throughout the year for family engagement. 

Within the school day, emphasis is placed on collaboration and cooperative learning. Scholars are encouraged to push each other in their learning and to engage in class discussions and projects on a daily basis. Our middle school scholars will pursue community service projects, reach out to community members to learn more about their stories, and develop a deep understanding of how the community surrounds them with love and support. We know that together, we grow stronger every day.

A school like no other in Wisconsin!

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