Get Involved

We are grateful for your support of One City Schools. Your gift will assist us with providing a high quality education to our young scholars and engage their families and our community in their education. One City Schools, Inc. and One City Schools Foundation, Inc. are both 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations. One City Schools Inc.’s FEIN is 47-1490574 and One City Schools Foundation Inc.’s FEIN is 87-4101609.

Please Join the Movement!

Please join us by volunteering, donating, or spreading goodwill across our community!

Ways to Make a Financial Contribution to One City Schools

You can help our school and children by donating whatever you can through one of the three options below.

Donate Now Online

You can click here or the “donate now” button on this left-hand side of this page and make your financial contribution electronically. You can choose to donate bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. You will receive an automatically generated letter after you make your donation. Please retain this letter as proof of your tax-deductible contribution.


Send your Donation via U.S. Mail

Make your check payable to “One City Schools”. Please choose and complete either the standard “one-time” or “multi-year” form below, or complete the in-kind contribution form, and mail it along with your donation to:

One City Schools
2012 Fisher Street
Madison, WI 53713


Stock Donations and Planned Giving

One City Schools does accept stock donations and other forms of planned giving. If you would like to make a planned gift (will or trust, retirement fund or pension plan, life insurance, gift annuity or real estate), or a stock donation, please contact Ms. Gail Wiseman, One City’s Vice President of External Relations at (608) 268-8004 or

You may also contact our Founder and CEO, Kaleem Caire, at

Donation Forms

Picture of a Family for Our 21st century equity agenda section

Interested in Volunteering?

Volunteers are the backbone of One City’s success. From our volunteer Board Members to those who support our administrative functions and classrooms, supervise children on our playgrounds, support our unique food service and healthy meals program, support our robust family engagement efforts, assist with special activities, field trips and events, or who support our children as virtual or in-person academic tutors and coaches, we have a number of opportunities for individuals to volunteer.

As COVID-19 has restricted some of the activities we can involve volunteers in, there are still ways to support our school in-person and virtually. If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please fill the form below, click on the Volunteer tab above or email Ms. Alice Erickson at Thank you so much for considering volunteering with us.

If you have questions please contact us

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