For Families

We must make parenting success and the life success of children the top priority in our country. The future success of our nation, our state and our community depends on it.
onE city SCHOOLS

Parental and Family Engagement at One City Schools

One City is known for having some of the highest levels of parental involvement in Dane County, and we take great pride in this as well.

It is not unusual to see 70 percent or more of our families represented at school-hosted events and activities, and 100 percent participation in parent-teacher conferences.

Two-Generation School Model

Through our two-generation School Model, we work alongside our families to address their personal, family and professional needs and aspirations, to the extent that we are able and appropriate.

We have worked directly with employers and employment agencies, such as the Urban League of Greater Madison, to help our parents secure employment and job training.

onE city SCHOOLS

One City
One Community

One City Schools is not only a school it’s a community that you can be part of.
Testimonial Iamge
Watching the whole One City team loving, caring and teaching our children everyday just warms my heart and gives me so much hope for the future. Our dedicated staff holds the same goals, to show the world there are better ways of supporting and teaching children through love and letting them be children and play!! Our two generation model of keeping family close and engaged is working. It is not a question of “if” this will happen, it IS happening, in the daily grind, in being committed to the children and families we serve and staying honest and true to our mission.
Angelique Miller
Testimonial Iamge
I believe deeply that the greatest asset One City offers its students is a fierce, passionate commitment to family and community. This means One City staff and teachers see limitless potential in each student and their family members. I say from personal experience and from the depth of my heart that One City is nothing less than a bastion of love, unity, and development in the greater Madison area that is in desperate need of its offerings. Beyond meeting our immediate need for dependable, superb childcare and education, One City also empowers our family as co-creators of a more egalitarian community.
Elsa Gumm
One City Parent Testimonial Image
My love for the school grows each day and I have never felt a sense of community within a school as strong as it is here. My husband and I were so excited to learn about the all-day 4K program as it showed me right away that this school is not only a place for students, but parents, and community members. My son can explain how he or others display compassion, persistence, integrity, self-respect, and risk. I am so glad that One City is taking the time for kids to understand what it means to be an individual of strong character.
Melissa Gobourne
One City Parent Testimonial Image
Our experience at One City has been filled with a variety of emotions and growth. I love all the new opportunities my daughter gets to experience not being in a traditional learning environment. That's the very thing that encouraged us to leave the school district and give One City a try. Our experiences have brought us closers with other families and encouraged us to be a greater part of our kiddos learning experiences. My daughter is not only growing academically, but she is also building character and leadership skills!
Summer Hilman
One City Parent Testimonial Image
The difference in how early learning is being taught at One City is something I'm grateful my daughter and family get to be a part of! We're excited about all that is to come in the coming school year and beyond. Being a part of One City's family has also brought my family closer!
Kacia Stevenson
One City Parent Testimonial Image
What does OCS mean to us? Trust, Security, Community, Family, Diversity, Opportunity and Flexibility. OCS provides excellent opportunities of exposure to diversity; from race/cultures and age ranges in the staff and student population, to physical abilities and gender (staff being both men and women). There’s also diversity in the recreational academies/activities provided at OCS.
Toya Pedracine-Stewart
Centers of education that empower children, families and neighborhoods together will produce the greatest short-term and long-term benefits for everyone. They will produce the greatest return on investment.

A school like no other in Wisconsin!

Open for Enrollment

Excitement about learning starts 'before' our children enter kindergarten.
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There is no other place like One City!

Engaging and supporting families in our schools

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Families and Schools Together (FAST) Program

FAST® (Families and Schools Together) is an internationally acclaimed parent engagement program that helps children thrive by building strong relationships at home, and between home and school.

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One City Parent Council

One City’s leadership team worked with 16 One City parents to develop One City’s Parent Council in the spring of 2018. The parent council’s mission is “to support and inform One City Schools staff, and be an advocate and resource for One City’s parents and children.”

The Council officially launched in September 2018 and has an executive committee. The executive committee meets at least monthly and hosts a Monthly Parent Council Meeting. Each meeting features news and information from One City’s leadership and staff, a question and answer period with One City’s staff, Board representatives and partners, guest presenters and a healthy family meal prepared and served by One City’s Executive Chef and volunteers.

Parent Representatives on One City’s Board of Directors

One City’s Bylaws require that we have at least two parents of children attending our schools as voting members of our Board of Directors. Our two current parent Board members were nominated by the CEO and Chair of the Board and voted on by the Board of Directors.

However, going forward, Parent Board members will be recommended by other parents with children enrolled in the school and actively participating in with One City’s Parent Council.

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Family Input Into One City’s Model: Our Elementary School Expansion

One City’s vertical expansion from solely a preschool into a full elementary charter school was precipitated and guided by parent feedback. In the process of determining our long-term organizational direction, five separate 90-minute feedback sessions were held with families in the winter of 2017/2018 to ensure that One City was aware of and responsive to what our families needed.

The structure of our extended school day and school year is a direct product of parents’ articulated desire for a school model that included more instructional time. Family input and engagement has been core tenet of how this school has been built.

One City Family Perks Program

One City has taken its effort to provide value to its children, families and team members to a uniquely new level by partnering with Abenity, Inc. (, a leader in the employee engagement and loyalty field, on the launch of its “One City Family Perks” Program.

This new program gives One City families and employees free access to more than 300,000 local and national discounts, enabling them to save money on thousands of hotels, restaurants, movie tickets, concerts, retailers, florists, car dealers, theme parks, national attractions, concerts and events. This includes grocery stores, clothing stores, and educational, athletic and recreational programs and events for children and adults that are important to their everyday needs.

Families and employees have access to a central online location to find and discover new savings and perks offered to them as a benefit of their enrollment or employment at One City.

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LinkedIn Learning Pro Accounts for Parents

All One City Parents and Guardians receive exclusive access to a free LinkedIn Learning Pro User License, donated by LinkedIn Learning. Its parent company, LinkedIn, is the world’s largest professional network with nearly 675+ million users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.

LinkedIn’s vision is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. LinkedIn’s mission is simple: to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. LinkedIn Learning provides more than 16,000 best-in-class online courses covering a comprehensive range of topics spanning education, business and industry.

This online professional development platform allows One City parents to expand and sharpen their workplace competencies, knowledge and skills, and position themselves to seize new professional opportunities. Courses are taught by some of the most notable leaders in their fields in the world.

A school like no other in Wisconsin!

Enrollment Starts in March each year

Excitement about learning starts 'before' our children enter kindergarten.
Enroll Your Child
Let us help you inspire your child