One City Elementary School (OCES) will maintain its commitment to build foundational skills and introduced project-based expeditionary learning program for our children in our Kindergarten to 5th grade.
Learning Expeditions
Teachers will construct learning expeditions that are of interests and importance to children and their future learning needs. Children will also have access to tools and resources in school and in the community that will enable them to build on their learning through self-discovery and play. It will be a fun time for your child and our teachers, alike.
Guided Learning
One City’s teachers currently engage children in teacher-guided learning activities and projects, at all age levels, every day. However, as children get older, the projects they engage in become more complex and involve more in-depth learning in reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies and science (STEM).
One City offers a technology-free classroom environment. Our children do not use handheld devices or computers in their classrooms. The only exception are assessments our children may complete to determine their learning growth and development
The Pleasant T. Rowland Leadership Campus
A fully renovated 157,000 square-foot school facility, outdoor playgrounds and recreational space and a new 165,000 square-foot athletic center that will be open to community use beyond school hours.
A Large Exploration Space for Learning and Innovation
Inside the building we are developing innovative spaces, including everything from a beauty/barber salon, to a student-run DJ booth, coffee shop, school store, and Summit Credit Union branch, to teacher training suites where new teachers can learn from seasoned professionals through one-way glass.
Schedule a Conversation
We would love to offer you a Zoom conversation to gain insight into the good work we are doing.
EL Education, formerly known as “Expeditionary Learning”, is an exciting whole-school educational program that enables us to involve all learners in a dynamic, creative, project-based and student-centered learning program that keeps children excited, engaged and appropriately challenged in the learning process.
Eureka Math² is a revolutionary math program designed to advance equity in the math classroom by helping students build enduring math knowledge based on a conceptual understanding of mathematics. Eureka Math² provides consistent math models, rigor to support the productive struggle, and coherence across grades. The curriculum utilizes digital interactives, increased opportunities for student discourse, and a new level of flexibility to make math instruction more teachable and engaging.
Scholars enrolled in One City Elementary School (OCES), in grades 5K and above, attend school for 219 days during their school year compared to scholars in other traditional public schools in Wisconsin that attend school for 180 days.
Our scholars begin school the first weekday in September and complete the last Friday in July of the following year, every year.
Our children typically attend school from 8:00 am to 4:30pm daily.
Student Support Services
One City Schools offers a broad set of support to both scholars and families as part of its two-generational model.
For scholars, this includes a full range of Special Education services that are coordinated by our Special Education Department including speech and language pathology, occupational therapy services, and IEP administration and support.
One City’s Vice President of Family and Community Initiatives and team strive to pair scholars and families with opportunities that are beyond the scope of a typical school program. This includes organizing Families and Schools Together, an 8-week family engagement program that runs multiple cohorts throughout the school year. The team also organizes One City’s Extended Learning Academies, which expose scholars to a range of extra-curricular offerings during the school day.
All One City scholars have access to daily free meals (breakfast, lunch and afternoon/afterschool snack) through One City’s participation in USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision.
Extended Day Learning Academies
One City enhances its curriculum for children by offering 4 to 8-week co-curricular learning experiences that many parents without financial means cannot afford for their children.
We offer martial arts to support the development of strong character and positive self-discipline. We offer visual and performing arts, sports and fitness programs, and opportunities for children to engage in free-play with materials that inspire complex problem solving and group learning.
Our children will also learn to swim, ice skate and play soccer. They will learn yoga and mindfulness, and take field trips that build on their personal interests and learning in school.
Welcome to One City Elementary School
Dear Parent and Caregivers
Mrs. Maria Dyslin
Whether your family is new to One City or you’re a veteran Baby Badger, welcome to our continuing journey for you and your child at One City Elementary School. We are thrilled and ready to welcome our scholars in our new classrooms to witness their laughter, energy, and enthusiasm for learning.
This is an exciting time as we settle into our permanent home at 1707 W Broadway. The new elementary location is on the first floor and we can’t wait to welcome our scholars into this vibrant, inspiring learning environment. We owe this occasion to the hard work and passion of hundreds of community members who believe that quality childhood experiences build the foundation for future success for our children and our communities. Our donors, including anchor donor Pleasant Rowland, made the purchase of our new home a reality. In addition, I also want to recognize Kaleem Caire, founder and visionary of One City Schools, who planted the seed that has sprouted into our new beginnings and continued growth.
As we embark on another fantastic school year, please know that staff at One City Elementary School have exciting plans and high expectations for your scholar’s learning. To make sure those hopes and dreams are realized, I want to ask for your commitment to making sure your scholar attends school every day possible this year. Every Day Counts. The evidence is clear: children with good attendance are more likely to be successful in school. High attendance rates are linked to high student achievement. This is true for every grade- elementary, middle and high school students.
As your scholar’s most influential teacher, I am asking for your support in helping your child get to school on time every day this year. Your scholar needs to be in school and engaged in learning to reach their full potential. We realize that every family faces challenges-illness, transportation, child care, or scheduling demands. Please let me or your scholar’s teacher know if your family needs help dealing with these challenges to your scholar’s good school attendance. We are here to partner with you for your scholar’s emotional and academic success because Every Day Counts!
Thank you for all you do to support your scholar's school success and well-being, as well as our school. I look forward to working with you this year and to having your scholar learn and grow at One City Elementary School. Our scholars will grow and learn as we work collectively to ensure that trusting and respectful relationships are built and maintained through ongoing communication and collaboration.
If you’re interested in enrolling, please contact our Vice President of Family Engagement, Marilyn Ruffin at
We’re looking forward to partnering with families, the community, businesses and philanthropists to make this a stellar year. Welcome aboard!